Geologic Art

A picture of the map of wyoming in stained glass.
Featured, Geologic Art

Nebraska Geologic Map

Fossiliferous limestone, orbicular rhyolite, epidote conglomerate, fossiliferous jasper, sodalite syenite, agate, slate; blue chalcedony drusy, fossilized palm wood, fossilized artiodactyls tooth – Merycoidodon culbertsoni, fossilized brachiopod, fossilized shark teeth, gabbro

A pair of paintings with the reflection of a person in water.
Geologic Art

Grand Canyon II

Grand Canyon Stratigraphy II– 14” x 36”, 2011. Stone and Fabric. Fossiliferous limestone, sandstone, travertine, snakeskin jasper, marble, granite, fuchsitic chert, fossils of horn coral, brachiopods, trilobites.