
Featured, Geologic Art

Colorado Geologic Map in stone

Slabs of: limestone, travertine, marble, sodalite syenite, aventurine;
Fossils: beetle, brachiopod, oreodont teeth, baculites, scaphites, portheus fish vertebrae;
Minerals: fluorite with amethyst, rhodonite, lepidolite, pyrite, rhodochrosite, epidote, molybdenum in quartz, hematite in quartz, amazonite with smoky quartz, gold ore (calaverite), petrified wood, selenite

Featured, Geologic Art

Geologic Time Spiral

Slabs of: orbicular granite, banded iron, red jasper, calcite, marble, granite, fossilized coral, quartzite, sodalite syenite, slate, travertine, limestone; Fossils: trilobites, gastropod, brachiopods, estaroid, orthoceras, rugose coral, crinoid, branchiosauria, pinecone, ammonites, pelecypod, coprolite, shrimp, dinosaur tooth, baculites, hazlenut leaf, fish, conifer, leptomeryx teeth, megaladon tooth, manatee teeth; Insets: pyrite, fossilized palmwood, dinosaur bone, peanut wood (teredolites), turitella (Elimia tenera)