Wings V: Rainbow Butterfly
Pebbles II: Intertwined
Colorado Geologic Map in stone
Slabs of: limestone, travertine, marble, sodalite syenite, aventurine;
Fossils: beetle, brachiopod, oreodont teeth, baculites, scaphites, portheus fish vertebrae;
Minerals: fluorite with amethyst, rhodonite, lepidolite, pyrite, rhodochrosite, epidote, molybdenum in quartz, hematite in quartz, amazonite with smoky quartz, gold ore (calaverite), petrified wood, selenite
Geologic Time Spiral
Slabs of: orbicular granite, banded iron, red jasper, calcite, marble, granite, fossilized coral, quartzite, sodalite syenite, slate, travertine, limestone; Fossils: trilobites, gastropod, brachiopods, estaroid, orthoceras, rugose coral, crinoid, branchiosauria, pinecone, ammonites, pelecypod, coprolite, shrimp, dinosaur tooth, baculites, hazlenut leaf, fish, conifer, leptomeryx teeth, megaladon tooth, manatee teeth; Insets: pyrite, fossilized palmwood, dinosaur bone, peanut wood (teredolites), turitella (Elimia tenera)