Author: Stone Quilt Design
Earth Sampler II: Pyritized Ammonite & Barite
Earth Sampler I: Palmwood & Ammonite
13 x 13″, 2014; Marble, spheres of horn coral, ocean jasper, banded calcite, unakite, zebra stone, prehnite; quartz crystal, palm wood, ammonite
Nebraska Geologic Map
Fossiliferous limestone, orbicular rhyolite, epidote conglomerate, fossiliferous jasper, sodalite syenite, agate, slate; blue chalcedony drusy, fossilized palm wood, fossilized artiodactyls tooth – Merycoidodon culbertsoni, fossilized brachiopod, fossilized shark teeth, gabbro
When Sulfur Ruled
Travertine, orange alabaster, pyritized ammonites, Devonian coral with pyrite, chalcopyrite, dumortierite, pyrite, epidote with copper, banded arsenic jasper, gabbro